Posts and sites on Lourdes from all over:
"Our Lady's Place" from Clairity
Song of Bernadette
Photos from a Military Pilgrimage in Lourdes
Miraculous Cures at Lourdes officially recognized by the Church
"Marian Miracles" by Fr. Robert Fox
In case you haven't seen it, the movie Song of Bernadette is excellent (it won 4 Academy Awards in 1943 - including best picture!) You may find it at your local library (many libraries attempt to have offer all of the Academy Award winners for best picture).
We also saw recently the one that Ignatius put out called simply "Bernadette." It is a little more down to earth and less artistic than "Song of Bernadette," but my kids really liked it. There are some funny parts and although it is longer, my kids sat for the whole thing. The sequel to it called "Passion of Bernadette" is due out this month.
I wanted to add that I thought the book "Song of Bernadette" was superb. It was one of those amazing stories that really connected with me at a sort of intuituve/interpretive level that is hard to articulate. I was astounded that the man who wrote it was not Catholic (his story is amazing too). I don't think it is possible to cpature what he did in the book on film, at least not to get the response I got. So, as is most often the case, while the movie "Song of Bernadette" is good, the book is ten times better and I recommend it highly. Good Lenten book maybe (for the heart, mind, and soul).
Thanks for the recommendations! I have the book, but haven't cracked it yet. The movies sound intriguing, we'll have to check them out sometime. (Bernadette is a patron saint for one of our girls too).
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