Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What's New at love2learn.net

  • created a new Chesterton page (and added a review of Nancy Brown's study guide for "The Blue Cross")

  • revised the Grammar Texts page to include the updated editions of Nancy Nicholson's Language of God for Little Folks (Catholic Heritage Curricula)

Later this summer we (John and I with the help of some family and/or friends who have offered to help) hope to accomplish the daunting task of revamping the love2learn website to allow for easier updates and revisions. For eight years now, I've been doing all the web work with a simple html editor (which I like very much). This has had some side benefits, such as making the site show well on search engines like Google. Now with 500-600 pages (and a great team of contributors and advisors), this has become pretty impractical and the site has been bogging down for some time (though the blogs have helped keep up with content-input in the meantime). Currently, even with someone else writing reviews, it can easily take me an hour to post just two reviews to the site. I always have a backlog of reviews, corrections, link requests and I'd like to spend more time reviewing, studying and writing.

I'd like to ask for prayers as we figure out the best solution to our website needs. Besides that, I'd welcome comments or suggestions to consider as we begin this process.

Thank you and God Bless!


1 comment:

Christine said...

You might consider making the website dynamic. Doing so would permit your reviewers or specified reviewers to enter their own reviews. By creating a dynamic database, you can specify who can login and make updates or post information. This will lighten your load a great deal. Many schools use dynamic databases which permit the teachers to easily contribute information. Your webhost provider will need to support MySQL or PHP in order for you to create a dynamic database. With between 500 and 600 pages, I am sure that your provider already supports both options. Thank you for all that you do to benefit homeschoolers.