Friday, August 29, 2008

Petition: Support USD for right decision

You've probably never heard of radical feminist theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether, but recently the University of San Diego (Catholic) offered her a theology chair and then withdrew the offer because she is not in line with Church teaching on abortion. She's actually way off on a lot of other things, too. Faculty and feminist groups of course immediately circulated a petition demanding that she be given the post back.

Now, there's a counter-petition. A Catholic college is actually rejecting a theologian for not conforming to the teachings of the Faith. I think we should support it. More info here.

Petition is here. Please join me in signing it. They are trying to collect 4000 signatures by Sep 3.

Update 9/4/08: They are now up to over 3000 signatures and are extending the deadline in order to reach the goal of 4000. I love the notes that many have left in addition to their signatures. They show great love for the Faith. I think you will find them uplifting, too.