Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Ana's Picture Book of the Week

We love the Picture Book of... series. We have a few and pick titles we do not own from the library from time to time. This week I picked up the one on Benjamin Franklin close our vacation study of the great man's life. We listened to his autobiography on audio in the car on the way to Texas, and on the way back we listened toModern Scholar lectures on his life. The teens will do IEW'sAmerican Literature volume this year and Benjamin's Franklin Autobiography is their first book, so we are all preparing for the school year!

The college professor in the CD player, going through Franklin's life, commented at one point on how he owned slaves although he was a virtuous man in many ways. He added that people didn't think anything of owning slaves then, although for today's sensibilities for people to own other human beings as slaves is such an atrocious concept.

That got me thinking. I envisioned our society one or two hundred years from today saying the same thing about the pro-life issue. A college professor may be explaining to his students in, say 2150 AD, that "back in the twentieth century, in a time when people still needed cars for transportation, believe it or not, in some developed societies, people had strayed so much from a sense of right and wrong, that taking innocent human life by abortion was accepted, even promoted by some politicians!"

I pray that for the good of our human race my vision will one day come to be!

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