Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Book Giveaway - An Alphabet of Catholic Saints

An Alphabet of Catholic Saints by Brenda and George Nippert
2007, Joseph's Heartprint, 60 pages, Catholic

Our family is crazy about picture books, saints books *and* alphabet books: this fantastic new publication fits all of the above. In fact, it was some time after my order arrived before I could get my hands on it: a Catholic homeschool mother who was over visiting opened the package and enjoyed reading it with a large sample size of our children before I could even see it!

Each page has a whole-page illustration of the saint and the letter of the alphabet where it belongs: St. Martin de Porres uses the legs of the capital M to hang his laundry and St. Zita uses the bottom leg of the Z to store her jars of food. The illustrations are at the same childish and realistic with enough details to entertain the adult reader. The four-line verses are delightful and contain an important aspect of the saints’ life. Blessed Kateri’s reads:

As the Lily of the Mohawk,
Kateri was sweet and pure.
She kept her faith with patience,
all the way to heaven’s door.
Below the verses the authors added a few lines about the life of each saint, and I think this was a very clever idea. For one thing it allowed them to be able to focus at times on very minor aspects of their lives in their verses without leaving aside what was essential about each of them.
If you'd like to enter the free drawing for this book, please leave a comment on this post before midnight tomorrow night (Thursday, Jan. 10). The drawing will be held Friday morning, January 11. The first two names drawn will each receive a copy of this lovely book.

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